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07 June 2021 | dataset

Niue State of Environment Report

The themes of the SOE were selected by local stakeholders and experts to provide a checklist on the state of the environment for Niue. A number of sub-topics and indicators were identified under the themes to help focus the discussion and this SOE report. The government of Niue commissioned this State of Environment report with the purpose of: * Providing all Niueans with the most up-to-date information on the state of the environment that is the backbone of the economy and community wellbeing; and * Providing the government, community leaders and other decision makers responsible for the management of Niue’s environment with an assessment of how effective management actions have been, so as to identify any deficiencies that need to be addressed for the future of all Niueans

Data and Resource

Niue SoE report 2019

Niue State of Environment Report

Niue SoE Brief

This is a summary of the full Niue SoE 2019…

Field Value
Publisher Niue Department of Environment
Release Date
Identifier 1edb5f43-85e2-4c1f-b6e5-789e723528f7
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Niue
Relevant Countries Niue
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Niue / SPREP