15 results
 Niue Department of Environment

Dataset that provides a direct link to Niue's data hosted on the GBIF website/ records.

 Niue Department of Environment

This dataset contains various pdf reports related to forests in Niue: * Niue Forest-Land Restoration – design, methodologies, practice and recommendations - Report 2017 * Forest Conservation and Protected Area Management - Final Report 2017 * Forestry Report 2010 * Forest Management Plan 2013

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a tool that is used to assess and manage individual development projects, with an aim of maximising positive benefits and minimising negative impacts for local communities and their environment. When used effectively, EIA can help to support the achievement of green growth targets, climate change resilience, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

 Niue Department of Environment


 Niue Department of Environment

Environment (Development Consent and Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation

 Niue Department of Environment

Niue's Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management provides a three year plan of action to address existing gaps relating to vulnerability to climate change impacts and disasters.

 Niue Department of Environment

The themes of the SOE were selected by local stakeholders and experts to provide a checklist on the state of the environment for Niue. A number of sub-topics and indicators were identified under the themes to help focus the discussion and this SOE report.

 Niue Department of Environment

Photo to replace figure 26 on page 50 of the SOE

 Niue Department of Environment

photo to replace figure 27 on page 50 of SOE

 Niue Department of Environment

Training conducted between PMCU and Department of Environment

 Niue Department of Environment

Awareness materials used by the Environment Dept.

 Niue Department of Environment

Data on threats or activities which threaten Niue's Groundwater

Monday, 6th July 2020 the Department of Environment formally welcomed the new Minister to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hon. Esa Sharon Mona Ainu'u, or otherwise fondly known by all as Hon. Mona Ainu'u. She is the only female parliamentarian in the current Cabinet Ministers of the Government of Niue.