A handbook for Green Climate Fund in Niue
Climate Awareness Application with Ekalesia Niue Womens Group. Introducing PIA on TK climate monitoring initiatives taken in the past. Mainly forecasting indicators of extreme weather and normal. Discussions amongst stakeholders on preparedness and resilience on climate change impacts.
The 2 x Automated Weather Stations situated on the eastern and northern side of the Islands provide real time observatory data with remote sensing. Wind Speed Wind Direction, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Soil Moisture, Rain gauge , Station Pressure, Solar Radiation. These will assist prediction models with historical data for forecasting purposes in the near future, along with understanding climate change patterns.
Deployment of wave monitoring buoys on the west coastal areas of the island with Technical partners SPC and local stakeholders Niue Fisheries in December 2023.
The UNEP CIS-Pac5, GCF funded project introduces 2 additional Automated Weather Stations on the Eastern and Northern sides of the Island, strengthening the monitoring systems for Niue Meteorological Services completed in May 2023.
APCC Development Sector-Tailored Climate Forecast of PICASO, SPREP Climate Data Management and Traditional Knowledge Engagement.