Focusing management efforts on thermal refugia may only be effective in the short-term. Promoting adaptation to higher temperatures and facilitating migration will instead be needed to secure coral reef survival.
At present in the Fiji Islands, no guidelines are available only for biological parameters for receiving water bodies commonly used for recreational activities. The ANZECC (2000) guidelines recommend the use of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Enterococci (Faecal Coliforms) as indicator organisms for fecal contamination of fresh and marine recreational water. This study compiled results for 3 biological parameters, namely, Total Coliforms (TC), E. coli and Faecal Coliforms (FC) at 3 sites in Fiji, namely; My Suva park, Wailea settlement and Centre Point.
Pacific Network for Environmental Assessment
The SPREP ID map is a high resolution (1MB) that shows SPREP member countries with their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
The SPREP ID map is low resolution (200KB) that shows SPREP member countries with their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
The map is high resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
The map is low resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.
"Comparison of the average hard coral cover between the three five-year periods comprising the last 15 years (2005-09, 2010-14, 2015-19, Tab. 9.3) indicated that there was a high degree of confidence (93%) in the long-term decline, despite the uncertainty in individual yearly estimates. Further, the vast majority (90%) of this decline occurred between 2010-14 and 2015-19, suggesting that the rate of decline in hard coral cover has accelerated during the last five years"
"Comparison of the average hard coral cover between the three five-year periods comprising the last 15 years (2005-09, 2010-14, 2015-19, Tab. 9.3) indicated that there was a high degree of confidence (93%) in the long-term decline, despite the uncertainty in individual yearly estimates. Further, the vast majority (90%) of this decline occurred between 2010-14 and 2015-19, suggesting that the rate of decline in hard coral cover has accelerated during the last five years"
Circular 21/150
Inform Plus proposed 5 pillars
- Component 1: Environmental Governance
- Component 2: Monitoring and field data collection for environmental standards and standardised environmental indicators
- Component 3: Data management utilising the Pacific Island Network Portal (PEP). Production of information products for decision makers based on existing data sets.
- Component 4: Enhance and expand GIS use for data collection, analysis and presentation to inform decision makers
In the 30th SPREP meeting held in September this year, the meeting supported the scaling up of environment data management in the Pacific and directed the Secretariat to initiate a process for developing a full-sized project proposal to support the scaling up environmental data management work in the region.
Later in October, the Inform Project participating countries collectively agree on the need to scale up and extend the Inform Project services beyond 2022.
Coral reefs in every region of the world are threatened by climate change, no matter how remote or well protected. Identifying and protecting climate refugia is a popular recommendation for coral reef management. Climate refugia are locations that maintain suitable environmental conditions for a resident species even when surrounding areas become inhospitable.
The purpose of this research is to develop a robust water quality baseline data of relevant physical, chemical and biological parameters, over an 8-month period, 4 months in summer and 4 months in winter, at both low and high tides for three main estuaries along the Suva foreshore, where an increase in recreational water activity has been noted, as a result of urbanisation. Such a baseline is currently not available in the Fiji Islands. This investigation used affordable advanced and approved standard methods.
The Pacific Network for Environmental Assessment (PNEA) Portal is an initiative of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to support government officials from Pacific Island countries and territories who work with environmental impact assessment (EIA), strategic environmental assessment (SEA) as well as Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS).
The portal complements SPREP’s current capacity building program for EIA and SEA - including the recently launched Regional EIA Guidelines, the Coastal Tourism EIA guidelines, and SEA guidelines.
The dataset contains a range of different Pacific regional maps developed by the SPREP GIS team and is available for use by members and partners.
Information on the location of known seabird breeding colonies throughout the Pacific including all PICTS, also Hawaii, Australian offshore islands and NZ Kermadecs
The report from the GIS conference that the SPREP GIS team participated in from 25 to 29 November
Using a series of adaptive remote sensing monitoring technologies for the Pacific region, this report focuses on analyzing the urbanization process, coastal changes, and mangrove dynamics of all Pacific island states since 2000, revealing overall trends in urban expansion, coastal erosion, and mangrove increase, and highlights case studies from multiple typical regions in various countries.
waste audit in Colleges/ High Schools in Savaii