538 results

This dataset contains rasters and a metadata file for global mean monthly ocean chlorophyll concentration (mg/m3) from 2010-2019. Rasters are in WGS84 coordinate system (EPSG 4326) . Chlorophyll-a is the light-harvesting pigment found in all photosynthetic plants. Its concentration in the ocean is used as an index of phytoplankton biomass and, as such, is a key input to primary productivity models.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete DRIFTNET data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1983 to 1990 and the Pacific Ocean south of the equator. This fishery has been inactive since 1991. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, year and month.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete LONGLINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, year and month.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete POLE AND LINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2019 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, year and month.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete PURSE SEINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, year and month.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete LONGLINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, country, year and quarter.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete PURSE SEINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, country, year, and quarter.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete LONGLINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, country, and year.

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete PURSE SEINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, country, and year.

This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data (.csv) for the American Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data.

This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data (.csv) for the Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data.

This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data (.csv) for the Fiji Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data.

This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data (.csv) for the Federated States of Micronesia Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data.

This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data (.csv) for the Guam Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data.

This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data (.csv) for the Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Conservation International, GRID-Arendal and Geoscience Australia recently collaborated to produce a map of the global distribution of seafloor geomorphic features. The global seafloor geomorphic features map represents an important contribution towards the understanding of the distribution of blue habitats. Certain geomorphic feature are known to be good surrogates for biodiversity. For example, seamounts support a different suite of species to abyssal plains.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP) is housed in the Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, in Washington D.C. We are devoted to a better understanding of Earth's active volcanoes and their eruptions during the last 10,000 years.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) is a collaboration between Aberystwyth University (U.K.), solo Earth Observation (soloEO; Japan), Wetlands International the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Reefs at Risk Revisited is a high-resolution update of the original global analysis, Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World’s Coral Reefs. Reefs at Risk Revisited uses a global map of coral reefs at 500-m resolution, which is 64 times more detailed than the 4-km resolution map used in the 1998 analysis, and benefits from improvements in many global data sets used to evaluate threats to reefs (most threat data are at 1 km resolution, which is 16 times more detailed than those used in the 1998 analysis).

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The InterRidge Vents Database is a global database of submarine hydrothermal vent fields. The InterRidge Vents Database is supported by the InterRidge program for international cooperation in ridge-crest studies (www.interridge.org).