Niue's Cyclone Impact Area from the 2018 SOE
Sources of GHG emissions. Source 1st National Communication UNFCCC 2000. Values corrected based on 2nd National Communication UNFCCC 2014. Tables and other information extracted from Niue's 2018 State of Environment (SOE) report
Niue official strategic framework for the year ending 2026
The themes of the SOE were selected by local stakeholders and experts to provide a checklist on the state of the environment for Niue. A number of sub-topics and indicators were identified under the themes to help focus the discussion and this SOE report.
Photo to replace figure 18 on page 39 of the SOE
Photo to replace figure 26 on page 50 of the SOE
photo to replace figure 27 on page 50 of SOE
Images of bins for the PMCU Niue waste management project 2020
CBD 6th National Report for Niue Island.
Ozone Layer Protection Regulations 2007
Environment (Development Consent and Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Final NEMS report, to be approved before publishing.
Niue Green Climate Fund project and programmes
Project Management Unit general information for the Accelerating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Applications in Niue (AREAN). A 4 year project implemented by UNDP GEF and Government of Niue.
In the 30th SPREP meeting held in September this year, the meeting supported the scaling up of environment data management in the Pacific and directed the Secretariat to initiate a process for developing a full-sized project proposal to support the scaling up environmental data management work in the region.
Later in October, the Inform Project participating countries collectively agree on the need to scale up and extend the Inform Project services beyond 2022.
2008 Policy on Sustainable Coastal Development, Niue
Niue's Fuel Use 2000-2009 (in Kg and Litres)
GHG Emission data extracted from Niue's first National Communication on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Report
Niue's Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management provides a three year plan to action to address existing gaps relating to vulnerability to climate change impacts and disasters.