From Closer external and internal examinations,it is therefore conclude that the fish sampled was not caught from spear,gillnet or line and hook but maybe resulted from other means which can inflicted less external body damages such as 'ava niukini','bleach' or 'dynamite'(if postioned further away from the center of the blast).However,it was scientifically proved that fish at a distance of few hundred metres from the center of the blast can be killed by the impact of the underwater travel sound.
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Regional Data on Marine Pollution
Regional data on marine pollution.
Marine pollution originating from purse seine and longline fishing vessel operations in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, 2003-2015.
The data was collected by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's Observer Programme
marine material spillage international oceans
Pacific environments require global commitments to sustainable consumption and production because waste and pollution produced elsewhere is transported into and impacts the Pacific region. This factsheet highlights briefly the consumption and production practices that affect Pacific environments and species directly and indirectly