153 results
 Niue Department of Environment

Water Regulations 2017

 Niue Department of Environment

SPREP (2015). PACC Demonstration Guide: Improving domestic rainwater harvesting systems in Niue. PACC Technical Report 15. March 2015. Apia, Samoa. 42p.

 Niue Department of Environment

Niue Groundwater Analysis 2010

 Niue Department of Environment

Niue Coastal Water Quality Survey by Luke Mosley

 Niue Department of Environment

Impacts of Invasive Species on Ecosystem Services 2016

 Niue Department of Environment

Pigs in Niue

 Niue Department of Environment

Niue's Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management provides a three year plan of action to address existing gaps relating to vulnerability to climate change impacts and disasters.

 Niue Department of Environment

Action Plan for Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity's Programme of Work on Protected Areas 2011

 Niue Department of Environment

Wildlife Act in Niue

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit

 A handbook for Green Climate Fund in Niue

 Niue Department of Environment

Coconut crab

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit,  Niue UNEP CIS-Pac5 Programme

The information provided in this publication represents the Government of Niue's approach to accessing finance through the fund. This approach is based on both the priorities of the Government of Niue and technical and operational guidance from the GCF.

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue UNEP CIS-Pac5 Programme ,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit

This manual provides detailed operational procedures and guidelines to support the NDA in its lead role in engaging with the GCF. Besides the GCF background information, the manual offers tools and templates, as well as guidance on relevant processes.

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit,  Niue UNEP CIS-Pac5 Programme

The Readiness Needs Assessment identifies challenges and needs in Niue. It also facilitates the strategic planning of Readiness Programs providing most up to date synthesis of outstanding gaps and needs, access to multi-year Readiness funding and the basis for the long-term Readiness Action Plan.

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit,  Niue UNEP CIS-Pac5 Programme

The National Strategic Plan is a high level roadmap setting out the Niue Government's directin and priorities for Niue to act at all levels to reach its vision for Niue. It provides broad goals and strategies that provide strategic guidance towards properity.

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit,  Niue UNEP CIS-Pac5 Programme

The policy outlines Niue's broad objectives and strategies for responding to the impacts and challenges of climate change. It is closely linked to the Niue National Strategic Plan (2009-2013) which highlights the need to address the effects of climate change.

 Niue Department of Environment

Status of the coconut crab Birgus latro in Niue

 Niue Department of Environment,  Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit

Country Programme on climate change initiatives and priorities for the engagement with GCF.