584 results
 Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit

The assessment took the form of desktop review, in-country face-to-face consultations with internal and external stakeholders during a mission to Niue in March 2020, and online consultations following the mission. A qualitative assessment was developed and a roadmap to strengthen the capacity of the PMCU and the Government of Niue to implement projects was formed, in alignment with the Niue National Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026 (NSP) and in the context of ongoing reforms in the Government of Niue with the Digitisation Strategy and Public Financial Management Reform.

 Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit

An Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool for sustainable development. It identifies mitigation measures to enhance positive impacts and to avoid or minimize negative impacts. An EIA is a participatory process in that it involves the applicant, government and other relevant stakeholders (customary landowners, civil society organizations, industry groups and local businesses).

 Niue Department of Environment

reefs in Niue

 Niue Department of Environment

Land cover maps showing change over time as well as specific time stamps in jpeg format

 Niue Department of Environment

IRENA. 2013. Pacific Lighthouses. Renewable energy opportunities and challenges in the Pacific Island Region. Niue.

 Niue Department of Environment

SOPAC. 2007. Sustainable and integrated water resource and wastewater management in Pacific Island countries. Niue. SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 641.

 Niue Department of Environment

Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015

 Niue Department of Environment

National Integrated Waste Management Strategy 2010-2015 for Niue

 Niue Department of Environment

PACWASTE Country Profile Niue 2106

 Niue Department of Environment

Handicraft Biosecurity Manual

 Niue Department of Environment

Map displaying Niue's water bores and water tanks

 Niue Department of Environment

Tabulated data on greenhouse gas emissions for Niue from 2000-2009

 Niue Department of Environment

Regional Data on Marine Pollution

 Niue Department of Environment

[National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)](https://www.cbd.int/nbsap/introduction.shtml) are the principal instruments for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity at the national level. The Convention requires countries to prepare a national biodiversity strategy and to ensure that this strategy is mainstreamed into the planning and activities of all those sectors whose activities can have an impact (positive and negative) on biodiversity.

 Niue Department of Environment

[The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)](https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/), are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The SDGs provide clear guidelines and targets for all countries to adopt in accordance with their own priorities and the environmental challenges of the world at large.

 Niue Department of Environment

Data on number of recycled cans per year

 Niue Department of Environment

Agriculture and Land Use 2009.

 Niue Department of Environment

Species count for invertebrates, birds, terrestrial and marine mammals and other living things