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20 December 2024 | dataset

2023 National Framework for Weather,Climate and Ocean Services for Niue 2023-2028

The purpose of the NFWCOS for Niue is to provide a strategic direction and appropriate actions for the Niue Meteorological Services (NMS) and other key national stakeholders to improve weather, water, climate and ocean services in Niue for the next 5 years. Based on the current services provided by the NMS, the Framework outlines the action plan to support the capacity development to address identified gaps and needs.

Field Value
Publisher Niue Department of Environment, Niue Project Management and Coordination Unit, Niue UNEP CIS-Pac5 Programme
Release Date
Identifier c94a4dfc-db5b-48bb-ad6b-f42f9d89a676
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Niue
Relevant Countries Niue
License Shared
[Open Data]
Author Niue Government