Monday, 6th July 2020 the Department of Environment formally welcomed the new Minister to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hon. Esa Sharon Mona Ainu'u, or otherwise fondly known by all as Hon. Mona Ainu'u. She is the only female parliamentarian in the current Cabinet Ministers of the Government of Niue.

Hon. Mona Ainu'u is the Member of Parliament for the beautiful village of Tuapa Uhomotu. This is her second term as Tuapa MP in Parliament.

She is also no stranger to the Ministry as the previous Government she was the Member Assisting Minister (MAM) for Hon. Dalton Tagelagi who was Minister for Ministry of Natural Resources.

The department is excited that Hon. Minister is back in the Ministry and this was echoed throughout the meet and greet yesterday. We were also fortunate that Director-General Dr. Josie Tamate also joined the meet and greet yesterday.

We wish Hon. Minister all the best in the next 3 years and the department is already looking forward to progressing work with the Hon. Minister.